
Roundtable: Bye-Bye Remedial Math,  KPBS Midday Edition, September 1, 2017, Megan Burks, KPBS Education reporter. (Start video at 20:10)

Cuyamaca College Offers Case Study In Eliminating The ‘Math Pipeline Of Doom’, KPBS Evening Edition, August 31, 2017, Megan Burks, KPBS Education reporter.

Ensuring Teacher and Student Success, Office of the Chancellor, UC San Diego,  August 11, 2017.

UC San Diego to Host Regional Education Leaders, Tackling Common Math Barrier to Student Success, Anthony King, UC San Diego New Center, August 4, 2017

San Diego, Imperial County Educators Gather To Improve Algebra Education, Maureen Cavanaugh, Michael Lipkin, KPBS Midday Edition, August 10, 2017. Interview with Susan Yonezawa, Associate Director, UC San Diego Center for Research on Educational Equity, Assessment and Teaching Excellence (CREATE).

KPBS EVENING EDITION, August 10, 2017, Megan Burks, KPBS Education reporter. Interview with Genevieve Clark, Teaching and Learning Support, San Diego Unified School District. (Start video at 12:41)